Beginners: Create iPhone apps

FaceTime only on WiFi?

iPhone FaceTime
How long will FaceTime only be available over WiFi? We hoped that the Apple announcement for the iPhone 4S would also open up FaceTime over existing cell networks. Perhaps this is something that is locked down because AT&T and Verizon don't want the data strain on their networks. If Sprint opens up a 4G network for the iPhone and continues to offer unlimited data plans, perhaps then we'll see FaceTime restrictions lifted. Until then, we are stuck searching for a WiFi hotspot when away from home.

Let us know what you think about FaceTime by leaving a comment.

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Is iMessage a big deal?
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Is iMessage a big deal?

Apple's iOS5 iMessage app cuts into AT&T and Verizon profits

With the much anticipated launch of Apple's iOS5 on Wednesday, October 12th, iMessage will be available. What is iMessage? It is an integrated messaging service that will operate over Wi-Fi and 3G connections to send your text messages without using your carrier's messaging plan. The reason this is such a big deal, is that now users will gain many features in addition to free texting.
  1. You can see if the recipient has read your text. If you are avoiding someone that is bad news, but otherwise it is a great feature.
  2. You can see when the other person is typing. This will help those of us that are impatient. You know who you are :-)
  3. Did I mention it is free. I use an alternative free text app now, but will most definitely be converting to iMessage.
One warning is that according to Apple website, carrier text plan will be used when iMessage free service is not available. We will have to wait to see the app in action to completely understand this.

I can only imaging that AT&T and Verizon are not overly excited about this integration by Apple. There have been several free texting apps available for sometime, but none have come preloaded on the phone or operating system. Now they have. How long before Apple finds a way to exclude the phone providers completely?

So, are you excited about iMessage? Leave us a comment to help us all Get To Know iPhone4s and iOS5.

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I got 5% Cashback on my iPhone Purchase

iPhone Discount

I got 5% Cashback on my iPhone Purchase

When I preordered my iPhone 4S, I was wondering how I could find a way of saving money on the purchase. I know there are not any published discounts available for the Apple online store, so I tried to think of another way.
Did you know that Discover Card offers 5% Cash Back bonus to cardmembers? If you are ordering the new iPhone, an iPad, software, accessories, or any Apple product from, you can save.

     On a $299 purchase, you get $14.50 back in cash.
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Where else can you get a discount for buying straight from Apple?

Hit this link to apply for a Discover card if you are not already a Discover cardholder:
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iPhone 4S Pre-Order vs Release Date

Now that the iPhone4S has been announced, everyone wants to know when it will be available.

iPhone 4S Pre-Orders

In the US, Pre-Order date is Friday, October 7, 2011  The time hasn't been set yet, but this post will be updated once it has been determined.  In the past, items preordered could either be shipped to your home (requiring a signature) or available for pick-up on the release date.

iPhone 4S Release Date

In the US, the release date is Friday, October 14, 2011.  Lines at Apple stores, along with carrier stores, are expected to be VERY long.  In the past, fans begin lining up days before the release date.